We're sorry for tricking you into thinking we're unicorns. We didn't know what else to do.
We're sorry for tricking you into thinking we're unicorns. We didn't know what else to do.
We're the wild horses of America and we're in trouble.
Yes, we still exist and live in the wild on public lands, but the federal government wants us out so that they can give the land to the oil, mining and livestock companies.
Over half of us are imprisoned in government captivity. And now men in DC are going to try and push through a law which makes it ok to kill us.
It's not OK!
We're wild and magical and when you see us you get a free feeling in your heart.
But if we don't get some help soon, we're going to be as mythical as the unicorn.
The solution is easy. Call the Capitol Hill Switchboard at (202) 224-3121 and ask to be connected to your legislators. Then say: "Hi I am ___________ and I will not accept the killing of our nation's iconic wild horses. Please continue to support the ban on horse slaughter and oppose any provisions that allows the Bureau of Land Management to kill wild horses or sell them to someone who will."
On Tuesday July 18th 2017, a House Appropriations Committee approved a bill to kill us. The Senate Committee are currently considering the bill. If enough of you call your senators/the senators on the SAC, we can overturn this.
And if you want to help us more, we really love this national wild horse conservation charity.
You can help to keep us wild and free on the range here.
And to show solidarity for the cause, you can make a uni horn out of paper and photo yourself or a pet who is willing to wear it.